Monday, January 26, 2015

Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout

I love chocolate milk.  I also love milk stouts.  To that end, the Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout from Odell Brewing Company is a total no-brainer.  The 8.5% ABV brew pours dark and black with a minimal tannish head.  The aromas of milk sugars and chocolate are evident upon first pour, along with some malt and alcohol notes.  The beer is thick, creamy, and smooth, the milk chocolate sweet, but not too sweet, and finishes on the dryer side.  This is definitely more of dessert beer and would go great following a late dinner.

Visit the brewer.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sweep the Leg Peanut Butter Stout

Let me begin by saying that i'm one of those weird people who doesn't really care for peanut butter.  I know.  It's damn near un-American, but those are just the facts.  That being divulged, i really, really liked Sweep the Leg, Infamous Brewing's outstanding peanut butter stout.  The beer is dark brownish black with a fairly quickly dissipating tan head, and the smell of peanut butter is evident immediately, mixing in with the aromas of malt and toffee.  Said peanut butter is also the highlight of the brew's taste, definitely present, but not so strong as to knock out the malts, etc.  It kind of reminded me of a subtle Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  Sweep the Leg is a sweet, 8% ABV stout that left me wanting more and more, peanut butter aversion aside.

Visit the brewer.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Clown Shoes Pecan Pie Porter

With all the cold weather hanging around central Texas of late, i've been jonesing for darker beers.  And the Pecan Pie Porter from Clown Shoes Brewery out of Massachusetts is a pretty tasty treat to scratch that itch.  This 8% ABV brew pours dark, dark brown with a foamy, tan head, emitting aromas of malts, brown sugar, and plenty of pecans.  The pecans are evident in the taste as well, but not overpowering, blending in well with an additional nuttiness, hints of molasses, and maybe even some dark fruit notes.  I really liked this beer, and it was a wonderful elixir for a chilly evening.

Visit the brewer.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Karbach Krunkin' Pumpkin

I know it's out of season, but i was able to imbibe one last pumpkin ale over the holidays, the delicious and spicy Krunkin' Pumpkin from Karbach Brewing in Houston, Texas.  The brew was a pretty standard pumpkin ale, pouring dark amber with a light, beige head, aromas of pumpkin, sugars, nutmeg, etc. prominent at first pour.  The taste was the same, with some added earthy notes, and finished crisp and sweet.  All in all, it was one of the better pumpkin beers i've had.

Visit the brewer.