Monday, April 25, 2016

Here Comes the Sun

It's getting hotter here, and as nice as it is to pick up your sessionable kind of brews for the weekend, sometimes you needs something that's easy to drink, but has a bit more of punch too.  Karbach's Here Comes the Sun is a strong and tasty Belgian style Tripel, pouring a hazy gold with aromas of bread, fruit, and spice.  The beer is crisp with a lot of floral notes on the tongue, as well as some hints of fruit, coriander, and the ever present Belgian yeast.  And it clocks in at 8.5% ABV, making it much stronger than your average daytime drinker, but it is a tasty one, and perfect for dusk and sunsets.

Visit the brewer.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Stone 2016 Imperial Russian Stout

With all of the craft breweries and that have sprouted up over the last half decade and all of the lovely brews all of those startups have offered us in that time, it's nice to go back and visit one of the original independents every now and then.  Stone Brewing has been giving us excellent beers for years, and their latest limited release Russian Imperial Stout is about as tasty as they come.  Pouring black with a brownish tan head, this thick, 10.8% ABV brew smells of coffee, chocolate, alcohol, and roasty malts.  The flavor is heavy on roastiness, but still smooth even with its high alcohol content, the coffee and chocolate notes easing everything down in a delicious swirl.  This is a damn good beer.

Visit the brewer.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Freetail Rye Wit

As it begins to get warm and muggy around here, my beer tastes get decidedly lighter, at least during the daylight hours, and the Rye Wit from San Antonio's Freetail Brewing is a fantastic selection for your daytime drinking.  The Belgian style Wit pours a hazy, wheaty gold and smells of bread, coriander, and orange.  Crisp, light-bodied, and steadily drinkable at 4.2% ABV, flavors of citrus, bread, and spice abound, making for a delicious thirst quencher for a warm spring day.  Yum.

Visit the brewer.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Zilker Coffee Milk Stout

I know it's spring, and it's getting warmer, and i'm supposed to be drinking my beer accordingly, focusing on IPA's and pales, hefes, helles, and lagers, but i love the dark stuff, so enter the Coffee Milk Stout from Zilker Brewing in Austin.  The brew pours dark and black with an off-brown head and smells of coffee, cream, malts, and hints of chocolate.  Flavors of burnt sugar and roasted malt swirl with coffee and chocolate notes in a smooth and creamy brew.  Wait for the sun to go down and then enjoy one or two of these 5.9% ABV stouts.

Visit the brewer.