Monday, June 3, 2019

Compadre Love Buzzzz Golden Ale

So, a couple of weeks ago, i got this idea in my head that i need to hit up as many breweries as possible over the summer, and i settled on the magic number of 40 (though secretly, i'm actually hoping to do 50).  It's an endeavor maybe, especially with the whole full time job and kids and home ownership and stuff, but i think i can do it.  And i'm giving myself from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day know, the summer.  Let's do this!  Anyway, my quest began over Memorial Day Weekend with a lunchtime trip to a brand new brewery in the greater Austin area, Round Rock's Compadre Brewing.  Sampling a few of their wares, the highlight for me was the Love Buzzzz, a 6.3% ABV Golden Ale that poured a nice crisp gold (of course) with a quickly dissipating white head.  The brew smelled of floral and subtle fruit notes with some honey, grain, and hints of spice, the flavor being similar but with a nip of alcohol on the back end, a good lunchtime brew.  Much thanks to Compadre who, knowingly or not, began my stupid quest with me.  Cheers!

Visit the brewer.

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