Monday, December 14, 2020

El Sputniko Imperial Stout

While this pandemic has certainly been a bitch, and we've lost some great breweries along the way, the folks over at Austin Beerworks have managed to tread these waters by releasing new and excellent beers on an almost weekly basis since March.  They've all been delicious, and they've all sold out.  One of the most recent is El Sputniko, a variant of the brewery's Sputnik Stout.  The 8.5% ABV El Sputniko is an imperial stout with coffee, ancho chile, cocoa nibs, and cinnamon, a beer take on Mexican chocolate.  The brew pours a dark blackish brown with an off white head and smells of chocolate, cinnamon, and spice.  The flavor is a nice and surprisingly smooth mix of said chocolate, cinnamon, and spices.  It's kind of Christmassy in its own way, and in general when you slap a luchador mask on something, you've piqued my interest.

Visit the brewer.

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