Monday, March 22, 2021

Main Boss Imperial Stout

So on Friday, i did something i didn't think i would ever do.  I sat and watched all 4+ hours of the "Justice League" Snyder cut.  It was fine.  Way, way too long, but it was fine.  I guess.  Anyway, getting me through the whole ordeal was the delicious and vicious Main Boss Imperial Stout, a collaborative beer between Minnesota's Fair State Brewing Cooperative and Iowa's Pulpit Rock Brewing.  The 12% ABV brew pours black with a dark tan head and smells of vanilla, brown sugar, and malt with some hints of fruit.  The flavor is sweet and syrupy, a thick liquid dessert of molasses and vanilla along with some chocolate notes and plenty of alcohol.  This one won't be for everyone, but it sure did make for a good companion during a 4-hour movie.

Visit the brewer and the other brewer.

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