Monday, May 24, 2021

903 Milkshake and Fries

My wife and my kids all do that thing where they stick their French fries into their shakes or Frosties or whatever from the drive thru.  It's not my thing, but i don't judge, especially when i'm buying beer that's essentially a take on that whole process.  And so we have the Milkshake and Fries stout from 903 Brewers, a milk stout brewed with chocolate soft serve and sea salt.  The 10.7% ABV brew pours black with an off-white head and smells of malts and chocolate.  The flavor is a sweet mix of said malt and chocolate with some mild hints of saltiness to balance it all out.  And it never really feels as strong as it is, so watch out.  But also enjoy.

Visit the brewer.

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