Monday, July 12, 2021

Batch Schinus Pilser

It's summertime, and while we've been unseasonably cool in Central Texas the last couple of weeks, all while the Northwest burns, i can only assume it's going to be hot as blazes here again soon.  It always does.  It's one of the reasons we drink a lot of sessionable, crushable beers around these parts.  And one such sessionable, crushable brew comes from the good folks at Batch Kolaches.  The Schinus Pilsner pours a slightly hazy straw color with a white head and smells of peppercorn, lemon, and a light spice.  The flavor is like a well balanced pilsner but with some peppercorn and light citrus in the mix.  I can't find any info on what the ABV is, but this one drinks crisp and easy, perfect for a hot summer.

Visit the brewer.

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