Monday, April 2, 2018

Shannon Blackberry Crystal Wheat

Spring is here.  Summer's on the way.  And i guess that means that i'm going to start sampling more beer with fruit in it.  I've never been much of a traditionalist as far as beer goes, having actually brewed a loquat wheat ale myself using the fruit from the tree in my backyard, so i'm all for this.  Shannon Brewing, up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, seems to be all for it too, the seasonal offering for the upcoming hot days of summer being their Blackberry Crystal Wheat, a 6.2% ABV wheat beer brewed guessed it...blackberries.  The beer pours pinkish gold, with a light purple tint to the frothy head and smells of wheat and fruit with some bread notes in the mix.  Dry and crisp, the brew has light notes of wheat, malt, banana, citrus, and yeast...with plenty of blackberry too.  All in all, it's a pretty easy drinking beer that pairs its sweet and bitter sides evenly.  Bring on the summer.

Visit the brewer.

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