Monday, September 21, 2020

(512) Young Funkenstein

Every year, i slowly stockpile a collection of beers to age from 1 to 12 months, opening and enjoying it all around Christmas time.  This stockpiling almost always includes a dinner beer or two as well, and i think i may have found my dinner beverage of choice for this year's Christmas dinner (if we make it that far), the 2020 edition of Young Funkenstein from (512) Brewing.  The 7% ABV beer is a copper ale aged in cabernet barrels for 2 years with wild yeast and dried Ranier cherries.  It pours a coppery, red-tinted brown and smells of cherries and a little bit of funk.  The flavor is an enjoyably sour mix of cherry and oak with a dry and slightly funky finish.  I look forward to having a few more of these.

Visit the brewer.

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