Monday, September 14, 2020

Circle Perfekt Pils

Summer is almost officially over...not that we ever really got a summer, but whatever...and before i dive head first into my preferred Autumn brews for the next couple months, here's a nice summertime, backyard beer from the good folks at Circle Brewing in Austin.  The Perfekt Pils is a 4.9% ABV German style Pilsner released for the brewery's 8th (!!!) anniversary.  It pours a nice, clear gold with a full and frothy white head and smells of malts and hops.  The flavor is similar, what you would expect from a well made Pilsner.  It's one of those beers that just smells and tastes like beer.  At the end of the day, you really can't ask for more.

Visit the brewer.

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